VERSACE 'Obioma' Is Wearing You....LMAO!

Posted by Unknown Sabtu, 09 November 2013 0 komentar
Please do not get me wrong..i am not laughing because he is an 'obioma' or because he cannot afford to buy Ver-sah-shee.

I am laughing because it is only in Nigeria that you will see a one naira version of something that orignally costs millions.

Please if you consider yourself a celeb,do not let anyone catch you wearing 'Ver-sah.shee' in this design,you hear?

To those celebs who already have pictures of them wearing this version online,nothing spoil,we will just brand your own as the original,una hear?
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Judul: VERSACE 'Obioma' Is Wearing You....LMAO!
Ditulis oleh Unknown
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