I've never had plastic surgery - JLO replies plastic surgeon

Posted by Unknown Rabu, 06 November 2013 0 komentar

A renowned plastic surgeon, Dr. Al-Ayoubi, posted the photos above(JLO in 1990 & now) and claimed she had had surgery. He wrote"These before and after pics of @JLo show many signs of #plasticsurgery - naturally pretty but now looks amazing."
JLo's fans took to twitter to abuse him calling him fake. She also tweeted at him denying any plastic surgery and to my surprise the obviously scared doctor blamed it on his poor assistant .lol
For a 44year old woman and no plastic surgery,she looks even better than she did inthe 90's..Worthy of note is her classy rebuttal. She didn't need to call him names.

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Judul: I've never had plastic surgery - JLO replies plastic surgeon
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